Sunday, July 18, 2010


Kevin and I had the opportunity to go through the Bountiful temple on Saturday to take out our Endowments. It was such a special experience. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and love not only yesterday but the last few years as we've prepared for this! I'm so grateful that we have the opportunity to go through and be sealed on the 6th as a forever family. My great-uncle Mick is going to seal us for time and eternity in the Idaho Falls Temple and I'm so so so excited. Bountiful Temple


Unknown said...

Congratulations you guys!!! That's such wonderful news:) How special. Make sure to get some pictures and write it all down in your journal so you'll remember it.

The Strawn Family said...

congratulations!! We were sealed when Kaden was a baby and what an incredible experience - CONGRATS!!!