Saturday, March 6, 2010


So backing up...
I took the first test on February 4th...
called Kevin, he decided that it was a false positive...
erego the next two test following this one...
these THREE tests proved that I wasn't just being moody,
that I was actually pregnant!
I've now been to the dr and everything looks great, baby bean was jumping around like crazy and the dr said if he were to guess that it's a girl! Of course I'm skeptical considering now that we've had two boys in a row but we'll see what happens!
My due date is September 14th so it should be an interesting summer!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is crazy! You are super mom for sure:) But there are good things about them being so close. Me and my sister were 16 months apart and growing up was never dull. It'll be great. Hang in there.

The Strawn Family said...

CONGRATS! My sister has two that are 15 months apart and now she loves it. They will be great friends.

You have such a cute little family. What is your email address? I will send you an invite to my blog.