Monday, August 16, 2010

35 Week Update

I looked online to see if I could find out what a 35 week old baby really looks like.
Here it is...if our baby were born this week she'd look kinda like this!
We can't wait for her to come out and join us!
Ky yelled at my tummy yesterday "Madi it's time to come out and play wif me" So So Cute!
Jace I think knows something is going on-he constantly wants to lay his head on my belly and just talk.
Dr Fowers said that everything looks good. She's head down. I'm 50% effaced, and dialated to a 1 1/2. It's a good start. He would like for her not to come for another week or so-but I've been having contractions like crazy the last couple of days, so we'll see what happens!
Keep us in your prayers as we get ready for the big day!
We love you all and hopefully will be able to introduce you to our new addition soon!

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